My Hair Challenge!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Hello Friends and Family!!!

Many of you have requested more hair posts so here you go! This school year I decided to mix things up a bit and try out lots of different hair styles! My mom, sister, and I have a never ending group message where we send pictures constantly. Sorry if it sounds odd, but every morning I take a "selfie" and send it over to them for hair/makeup/outfit approval :) So I'm sorry in advance for the ridiculous amount of embarrassing selfies that I took in my adorable living room and bathroom.
I normally have my hair down and curled or up in a pony tail, so it has been fun to push myself to try out new styles! I hope that some of these pictures give you a little inspiration/motivation to mix things up and do something fun with your hair!  

I'm obsessed with braids and try to incorporate them into as many styles as I can! They are super fast and totally vamp up any hair style!

I've incorporated my obsession with bows into my hair styles and I'm excited to buy more hair accessories this season!

Have a great weekend dear readers! 

Jumping back into college life!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Well friends, I'm back in Happy Valley (Provo, Utah)!
My classes are all amazing and I'm IN LOVE with my new house and roommates! I can't get enough of BYU and all the fun friends I have made this week! Here is a look at my week in pictures...

This is my adorable house. I have NINE roommates that make me laugh until I cry! We are already really tight and stay up way too late...

This is the Provo Temple that is about 3 minutes from my house.

On Labor Day I went with some friends to Mona where we swam and tried out the rope swings! 

This was my first time, and even though I look pretty graceful, it ended with a pretty bad back flop!

 Eating Fro-Yo with my adorable roommates! 

My favorite spot to relax on campus.

Friday night rooftop concert and dance parties!

 All the cool kids eat at the hospital at midnight after going to dance parties because everything else is closed... That corn dog was sooo good!

 Saturday morning hike in Provo Canyon with half of the roommates!

We love roommate bonding in the great outdoors!

It was a great week! I forgot how much I love Utah and college life! :) I hope you had a wonderful week too!

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