Developing a passion for creativity...

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

^^^I have the cutest cousins!!!^^^
Hello Followers!

I want to discuss my newfound passion for art! This past semester, I decided to take Art for Elementary Education as an elective. This course changed the way I think about creativity and helped me develop many new hobbies. 
In class, we learned about how students are often told by fellow students, parents, or teachers that they are either really great at art, so they stick with it, or they are told that they are not very artistic, so they give up on creating art. Growing up, I had always enjoyed drawing and taking pictures, but since I wasn't the best at either of those things, I shrugged it off and decided to leave art to the people who were born with the natural artistic ability. Well that is where the problem is. Artistic ability is not a gene that some people are born with and others without. Artistic ability is developed over time with a lot of practice. Yes, some people grasp techniques faster than others, but that does not mean that they are better at art. Children (and adults like myself) need positive reinforcement and encouragement so they can develop a passion for creating without the embarrassment of not being the best right off the bat. 
One thing that I strongly believe is that everyone has a desire to create things that did not exist before. Whether it be creating tasty foods, sewing a blanket, playing music, or painting a picture, we all have talents that we can develop if we put in the effort.
 ^^I drew my best friends wedding dress for a wedding present^^
I am so grateful for the ability to create things that make my life more beautiful. I may not be the best artist or photographer but I enjoy practicing my skills and showing my progress. Have a great week!

P.S... Go create something! :)

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